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How to achieve your goals?

Be willing to be uncomfortable!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about what makes some people achieve their goals and others to fail.  Even though some people are very motivated when they define their goals, after a few days or weeks, they seem to loose traction and quit.  But, why?

I think I have found an explanation, which in turn is the key to achieving our goals.  I have tested my theory with myself and with my clients, and so far it holds true every time:

The difference between achieving your goals or not, is your willingness to feel uncomfortable.

That’s right!  Being willing to be uncomfortable is the key to achieving your goals!

Think about it:  many of us want to lose weight, but we don’t want to stop eating the things that we like, or reduce our portions.  So we look for the magic solution, a trick, a pill, a method, that will allow us to keep doing what we are doing and lose weight.  What is the reason?  We don’t want to change, because change is uncomfortable.  We find comfort in doing what we always do.

We dream of a better job, but we know that we will have to develop skills that we currently don’t have.  That takes effort and will require to develop a plan that will make us feel uncomfortable.  Not to mention the uncomfortable feeling of not being very efficient while executing the new tasks.  And the possibility of failing, which is the ultimate discomfort.  Therefore, many people only dream about the new job, but remain in the comfort zone of their current job.

As a society we have become accustomed to seeking comfort.  We want to feel good all the time.  Even though this seems to be a reasonable goal, the problem is that being comfortable all the time keeps us in the same place, it stops us from changing, from evolving, from growing.

I offer a different option:  next time you define a goal, be prepared to be uncomfortable.  Know that to achieve your goal you will have to go through a process that will force you to change, and get your head around the fact that you will not like it.  At least not at the beginning.  But if you push through and persevere, the new behavior will become natural, and it will be the new “normal”.

We are stronger than we think.  We can do many things if we have the right attitude.  Instead of resisting change, embrace discomfort.  The uneasiness that you feel now, will make you feel very good in the future, when you achieve your goal.  Basically what you are doing is delaying gratification.

I challenge you to find a goal that you have attempted in the past and dust it.  This time, be prepared and willing to be uncomfortable while you take the actions to achieve it!