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How to enjoy every day?

Don’t stop to smell the flowers.

You often hear the advice of taking the time to stop to smell the flowers.    It is a reminder to take a break from your regular activities, or at least slow down once in a while, and enjoy the good things in life.  I have a different view.   I don’t find the need to stop to appreciate beauty.  I think it is much more effective to train ourselves to keep notice of our environment, to pay attention to the beauty that surrounds us every day everywhere.

We can find magnificence all around us if we pay attention.  Some of the things to watch for:

Physical beauty, which we can perceive with our senses.  A bright blue sky, a nice song playing on the radio, the soft touch of a fresh towel, the smile of a baby, the wonderful smell of a store we walk by.  They lift our spirits and make us happy.

Capacity, skill and talent, which we can notice observing people around us.   The salesperson that takes pride in helping you find what you are looking for, the colleague that is able to explain complicated concepts in an easy way, the chef that prepared the delicious meal you had.   They inspire us.

Acts of kindness and goodness.  The friend that takes the time to listen to your problems, the nurse that is extra attentive with the elderly, the receptionist that greets you with a smile, the cab driver that waits until you make it inside the house because it is dark.  They encourage us to follow their example.

I encourage you to enjoy and smell the flowers as you go!