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How to have more energy?

Generate a SPARK!

As a leadership and effectiveness coach I often work with my clients on time management.  However, my approach is not about managing time, but managing energy.  Let me explain.

To be able to do the things that you want to do and achieve your goals, you need two things:

  1. Set your priorities
  2. Have the energy to do the things that you need to do to conquer your goals.

Today I will address #2.  To manage your energy, you first have to have energy.  It sounds obvious, but sometimes is not that easy.  I have had many clients that have ambitious goals but lack the energy to go after them.  The first step is to get them energized and teach them how to maintain that state.

I have found that these 5 things are critical to generate and sustain a great level of energy.  When the become a daily practice, they generate a S.P.A.R.K:

  1. S – Smile. We underestimate the effect a smile has not only on others but on ourselves. The act of smiling modifies our chemistry and makes us feel more positive.  If you are interested in cultivating a more positive frame of mind (and therefore smiling more), read this article.
  2. P – Posture. The way we carry ourselves when, standing, sitting or walking has a big effect on how energetic we feel.  Expansive postures are the most beneficial in terms of energy.  Those are postures where we are standing or sitting straight, shoulders back and limbs widespread.  Amy Cuddy, Harvard Business School professor, experimentally determined that expansive postures increased testosterone by 20 percent and decreased cortisol levels by 25 percent.   Higher levels of testosterone (in both men and women) lead to increased feelings of confidence, while lower levels of cortisol lead to decreased anxiety and an improved ability to deal with stress.  When we feel confident we find the energy and motivation to conquer our goals.  This article gives more detail.
  3. A – Articulation. This is the act of saying or pronouncing something in a way that can be clearly heard and understood.  Have you noticed how speakers that talks too softly or slowly lose their audience in a few minutes?  Speaking with conviction, with a clear and lively voice, helps lift our spirits and makes other people more receptive to what we have to say.
  4. R – Respiration.  The way we breath can energize us or deflate us.  When we are nervous, we tend to breath in a very shallow way, which contributes to increasing the feeling of anxiety.   In tense situations it’s not uncommon to hold our breath.  Paying attention to your breathing, making a conscious effort to breathe deeply before starting a task and to continue breathing while you working, is a simple and yet very beneficial practice.
  5. K – Kinetic Energy.  It’s the energy associated with motion.  We can increase our energy by moving more.   Exercise, even a quick ten-minute walk will increase your energy and boost your mood.   Swing your arms when you walk.   Walk with determination.  If you have a desk job, take small breaks every hour to stretch your legs and move a bit.

I would suggest that you create an alarm in your phone with the word SPARK.  Program it for at least a couple of times during the day.   It will remind you to check how you are doing in these five areas and making corrections if necessary.   It will only take you a few minutes and by doing it every day you will develop the habit and will be energetic most of the time.

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!