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How to learn from any situation?

3 lessons from my moving crew!

I consider myself lucky because I had the opportunity of living in several countries.   Living and working in another country, doing what the locals do and immersing yourself in a different way of living, is exciting and an enriching experience.

I have loved the experience every time!  That is, until the time to move comes…  Uprooting my house is an experience that I don’t look forward to.  It involves a lot of stress and hard work, in addition to the disruption of every daily routine that you may have.

Nevertheless, I have approached my moves with a curious mentality, observing the experience and trying to learn from it.   I have been very fortunate to have the help of efficient moving crews.  They do very hard work, sometimes under adverse conditions.  You entrust all of your possessions to their care, and they have to be very careful not to damage any of your property.

From all my moves I have learned three important lessons from my moving crews:

  1. They have a positive attitude. No matter how big the house, how heavy the furniture or how steep the stairs, they approach the task with a can-do attitude.
  2. They develop a plan and execute it. They analyze the task at hand and break it in doable pieces.  They then determine the resources they need and the time it will take.   After that they execute it exactly as planned.
  3. They manage their energy. They pace themselves.  They don’t fall in the trap of trying to go faster.  They don’t multitask.  They concentrate on what they are doing, do it with as much enjoyment as possible and take frequent short breaks.  They know they have a good plan and that they need to manage their energy to complete it.

I realized that these three lessons apply to any job.  I now keep them in mind to be more efficient and to enjoy my activities more!