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How to stop a bad habit?

Replace it!

I believe in improving myself, so I always have a long list of things that I want to change.

It is usually about changing a bad habit that I have developed.  Stopping myself from doing something that does not serve me.   One example of a bad habit that I wanted to correct was to stop checking emails first thing in the morning.

My approach to eliminate a bad habit was to set the goal and use all my willpower to make it happen.   Unfortunately, I was usually not very successful.  What invariably happened was that I would become obsessed with the behavior that I was trying to stop.  I will think about it frequently, it was on my mind all the time.  It was exhausting.  Eventually I would decide that it was not worth the effort and go back to my old ways.

With time I realized that the problem was trying to STOP DOING something.  It is much easier to start DOING something new.  So, I started experimenting:

To stop checking emails first thing in the morning, I keep a notebook by my bed and write down my priorities for the day as soon as I wake up.

To reduce the amount of carbs that I consume on a regular day, I eat two servings of vegetables on each meal.

To stop being impatient, I practice deep breathing several times a day.

Now, whenever I want to eliminate a bad habit, I think of an opposite behavior that I can start developing.

It works wonders!