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How to stop having bad days?

Develop a Morning Routine!

We all have bad days once in a while.  You know, the kind of days when things start bad and get worse by the hour.  But what if bad days become more frequent, if they turn out to be the norm?  When that happens, our mind starts working early in the morning imagining the things that could go wrong.  Sure enough, bad things do happen and we prove that another bad day is in the making.  It becomes a self-fulfilled prophecy.

Would you like to stop having bad days?   Would you like to start your day feeling powerful and confident?  It’s possible.   Starting a morning routine has been the solution for me.

A morning routine is a time dedicated to personal development that conditions us to have a good day

I know that we are all busy in the morning and some people are not morning persons, so it is hard for them to take extra time in the morning when they would rather be sleeping.  I don’t recommend waking up earlier unless you are able to go to bed earlier as well.  Reducing the amount of sleep in my opinion is always counterproductive, and it’s not sustainable.

Morning practices have become popular in the last year.  There are two that I like a lot:

  1. Author and life coach Tony Robbins suggest a Morning Priming.  This is an exercise that consists on:
    • Breathing exercise
    • Think of the 3 things that you are grateful for at the moment
    • Visualization of healing energy going through your body
    • Share healing energy with your loved ones
    • Focus on your 3 most important goals
  1. Hal Elrod, the author of “The Miracle Morning” a routine with the acronym SAVERS:
    • Silence in the form of meditation
    • Affirmations, read aloud the vision for your life
    • Visualization as a mental rehearsal of the priorities for your day
    • Exercise
    • Reading
    • Scribing your thoughts and feelings.

I have experimented with both of these practices, and developed one of my own that works for me.  I call it the Powerful Morning Practice.

The Powerful Morning routine that I recommend should not take more than 10 minutes.  If some day you have the time and feel like it, by all means extend some of the exercises as you see fit.  But is not necessary.  The power of this practice lies on its simplicity and on doing it every single day.  It should be short, simple, motivating and empowering.  These 10 minutes should be an enjoyable time that leave you feeling inspired to face your day with determination and joy.

Your Powerful Morning Practice should be short, simple, motivating and empowering

These are the exercises that I recommend to choose from:

  1. Breathing exercise
  2. Make your bed, this is why
  3. Reading your Goals
  4. Reading your Strengths and 3 Personal Branding words
  5. Set your Priority for your day and decide which strengths you will intentionally use. You can also define a “theme” for your day.  These are some examples; you can declare your day:
    • “Strategic Thinking Day”
    • “Kindness Day”
    • “Very Efficient Day”
    • “No Distractions Day”
    • “Just-Do-It Day
    • “No Complaints Day”
    • “Family Day”
    • “Be Present in the Moment Day”
  6. Write 3 things that you are grateful for today (can be small things, do something different each day)
  7. Write your thoughts, especially if something is bothering you, put on paper your internal dialog so you can change your thoughts
  8. Send positive energy to your loved ones. Think of them as the best they can be and send them your love. Feel your love for them. (This is a great one to make it the last practice of the morning routine).

I recommend to do some of these exercises, like 2, 3 and 4, while power-posing.

Pick and choose and experiment with your morning routine until you find a combination that works for you.  Make short and easy, so it is impossible not to follow.

Practice your Powerful Morning Routine every day and you will see that you don’t have to wait to have a good day, you make it a good day.

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